Seasons Greetings and Online Support

Online Support & Seasons Greetings!

Online Support & Seasons Greetings From Paul Carter Counselling! I would just like to take a moment to wish everyone Seasons Greeting for 2020. It certainly has been an incredible year when getting support online or in person has been more important than ever!

Christmas time and New Year can be especially difficult for people so many reasons and this year it is no different, with Covid and Brexit looming there is an awful lot of uncertainty which seems likely to continue. Having resources on hand to help through this period might be useful so I have compiled a short list of online and telephone support below. For more ideas about how you might support yourself formally and informally click here to take a look at another of my blogs.

  • No Panic (Panic Attacks, Phobias, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder and Tranquilliser Withdrawal) – 0844 967 4848 Youth Helpline 01753 840393
  • Samaritans – 08457 90 90 90 / 0121 6666644
  • PAPYRUS (Suicide Prevention – Under 35s) – 0800 068 41 41
  • Silver Line – (Help Line for people over 55years old) – 08004 70 80 90

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy – includes self-help CBT course, free downloadable information leaflets and handouts and free CBT tools.

Living Life to the Full

A free online life skills course using Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for use by health care practitioners and members of the public. The modules cover a range of topics including anxiety management and healthy living.

Smiling Mind App

Mindfulness App – Free

A resource compiled by Kristen Neff a leading researcher in Self Compassion. In an age where self-criticism, self doubt and judgement is rife this website offers ideas of how we can be kinder to ourselves and those around us.

I will be taking some holiday from 23rd December until 5th January, however if you would like to access some counselling with me please don’t hesitate to contact me here and I will get in touch with you as soon as possible after 5th January 2021. I am currently only offering Online and Telephone support, to find out how this works and some things to think about if you are considering Online Support, please take a read of my blog here

Wishing you all a Peacful and Healthy Holiday!